Madhya Bhotekoshi Hydropower IPO result will be published on coming Friday. The distribution of IPO issued by Madhya Bhotekoshi Hydropower Company Limited to the general public will take place this Friday. The pre-allotment can be done till Tuesday and the IPO distribution will be done by Friday after the pre-allotment work is completed, said Capital.

The company has issued 9 million shares to the public in the second phase. Out of the total shares issued for the general public, 4 percent or 360,000 shares were allotted to the employees and 5 percent or 450,000 shares were allotted to the collective investment fund. Are Among the shares to be sold by the company, the lucky 8,190,000 applicants will get the shares through a round of voting at the rate of only 10 lots, while the remaining 1.574 million applicants are sure to be empty handed.

Madhya Bhotekoshi Hydropower IPO Result View Check IPO Result

How To Check Madhya Bhotekoshi Hydropower IPO Result- Check Bhotekoshi IPO Result

  1. You Can Check IPO Result in Mero share CDSC sites:
  2. ( You Need to Choose Company & Enter BOID or DMAT number)
  3. IPO Result Also Found in respective Capital Merchant Site :
  4. You Can Check IPO Result in your Mero share Account DASHBOARD :
  5. ( By login Mero share, You found Result in My ASBA menu & Application Report Submenu)

Currently, the company’s paid-up capital is Rs. 4.50 billion. The company has raised Rs. 6 billion. The company is constructing 102 MW Madhyabhotekoshi Hydropower Project in Sindhupalchok district. The company has already allotted 6 million shares of the first phase of the IPO to the locals affected by the project. The company had issued the remaining 9 million shares to the public in the second phase. The company had received permission from the Nepal Securities Board (NSB) on April 19 to issue a total of 15 million IPOs.

Introduction of Madhya Bhotekoshi Hydropower:
Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalavidyut Company Limited (MBJCL) is a subsidiary company of Chilime Hydropower Company Limited, registered as public company in july 2010. MBJCL has planned to develop Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project (MBKHEP) with an installed capacity of 102 MW in Sindhupalchowk district of Central Development Region.
Tri-partite loan agreement has been signed between EPF, Chilime and MBJCL for debt portion. The equity investment will be made through 51% promoter share and 49% public share. Chilime is a leading company with 37% share.

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