Samling Power Company IPO result will be published on Tuesday Kartik 16th. The Ipo result of Samling power will be published for the general public.  Samling Power Company Limited has opened sale of ordinary shares to the public IPO Shares. The company has opened sales of 730,000 shares of initial public offering (IPO) worth Rs 73 million at a face value of Rs 100 per share.

Out of the ordinary shares to be issued, five percent or 36,500 shares have been allotted to the collective investment fund and two percent or 14,600 shares have been secured to the employees. The public will be able to apply for the remaining 678,900 shares, said Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited, the issuer and sales manager of the company. The issue and sale manager of the company is Nepal SBI Merchant All the IPO Result of Samling Power Company Checked Methods are given below. Fastest Way to Check IPO Result.

Samling IPO Result Check- View IPO result of Samling Power Company

Company NameSamling Power Company Ltd
Total Company Share7,50,000 Units
Ipo General Public Issued6,78,900 Units Kitta
IPO Share GP* Applicants22,65,698 Applicants
IPO Issued ManagerSBI Merchant
Company Project9.51 MW Hydropower
LocationIlam District
Company RatingCare NP IR BB-
*GP- General Public
  1. You Can Check IPO Result in Mero share CDSC sites:
    ( You Need to Choose Company & Enter BOID or DMAT number)
  2. IPO Result Also Found in respective Capital Merchant Site
    : SBI Merchant Capital Website
  3. You Can Check IPO Result in your Mero share Account DASHBOARD :
    ( By login Mero share, You found Result in My ASBA menu & Application Report Submenu)

=> View IPO Result of Samling Power Company