TU Institute of Medicine IOM Job Vacancy Notice for various posts & levels. Maharjganj Medical College TU has various job vacancy post notice. MMC is a constituent campus of Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, which was established with the aim of producing human resources for health in the country to serve its healthcare needs. MMC was born when Tribhuvan University promoted the then “Auxiliary Health Workers School” to the status of a campus in 2029 BS (1972 AD) and named it as “Central Campus” initially.

It started its endeavor by training allied health science professionals. In its continuous quest for excellence in healthcare education, it gradually expanded the number of its healthcare programs; passed through the stages of “Central Campus”, “Maharajgunj Campus” and has finally evolved into “Maharajgunj Medical Campus”. MMC currently.

TU IOM Maharajgunj Medical Campus Job Vacancy Post & Faculty Details

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