Class 12 exam center details published by NEB. National Examination Board Rashtriya Pariksha Board recently opened the exam application form for the Class 12 Grade Increment Supplement Purak exam. View Class 12 Exam Center details. Class 12 exam center details of Grade Increment Purak exam. Students who fill out forms for only one subject need to attempt an exam in first days. Electronic devices, mobile, and smart watches must be prohibited in exam centers. Students must wear proper uniform during examination
Are you NG in Class 12 Results. Class 12 Purak Exam Grade Briddhi exam routine. Class 12 Chance Mauka exam routine & form fill up process given by NEB. The National Examination Board Examination Control Office (Class 11 & 12) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notice regarding Class 12th Chance (Supplementary) Exam Schedule and Application Form Submission In the annual examination of class 12 conducted in the month of Baisakh, 2081.
As a regular examinee (with the first two digits of the registration number 80), participating in the examination and obtaining a minimum grade of D or higher in the other subjects on the theoretical side and obtaining NG (Not Graded) on the remaining two subjects or on the theoretical side.
Class 12 Mauka Chance Exam Date: 2081 Bhadra 25 & Bhadra 26
Exam Timing: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Subject Details: all the subject exams are held in those 2 days. Subject-wise details are given below.
2081 Bhadra 25, Tuesday
Compulsory English (0041)
All subjects of candidates appearing for examination in only one subject
For the candidates taking the exam in two subjects, the subject having a smaller code number among the subjects they are taking the exam but participating in the opportunity (supplementary) examination in both the compulsory English and compulsory Nepali subjects, the examination of compulsory English (0041) on the first day and compulsory Nepali (0021) on the second day must be given.
2081 Bhadra 26, Wednesday
For candidates who are taking the exam in two subjects, the subject with the larger code number among the subjects they are taking the exam (the examination of the compulsory English (0041) subject will not be conducted on this day.)
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